Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2nd Annual CLS 5K race

Last Saturday was the 5K race at the school. For about ten straight days prior to the race, it had been raining....a lot. So much so, that an alternative course had to be designed. The forecast for Saturday morning was more rain, but God held it off and it was a beautiful morning! David ran for our family. Todd and Ben were course marshals, and I worked at the registration table. The above pic is of some of the course marshals.

Go David! He had a good time. I think it was 26:?? He had zero training, so his dad was pretty proud of him.

This year there was a Tot Trot. Hannah was so excited to be part of it. For days prior to the race, she would "practice her running". She would put on her race shirt and her shoes and run through the house. She couldn't go outside because of all the rain.
I just love this picture. Here she is assuming her "start position". She is ready to run!
Coach is here giving some final pointers.
And she is off!
Getting her ribbon and balloon at the end. She had asked me a few days before if she was going to win the race. I told her that no, she probably wouldn't win. She looked a little dejected. Then she said to me,"Mommy, will you still tell me that I did a great job even if I don't win"? So here we all are telling her she did a great job. I love my little girly.
Rachel and Sylvie. The whole Somerville family ran the race. It was inspiring. I think the Keelers should do the same next year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yea David...and Hannah!!! Great job! I think we were going to sponsor you but think we forgot to give you any money. Is it too late? We should have hung around one more day to watch you run...but am sure that would have been wearing out our welcome! :)
Love you all and all that you are involved in!
Ma & Papa