Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fun Times with Friends

Last week, we had a quick reunion with the Stumbos! They were traveling to NYC to see Philip and stayed one night with us. It was great to catch up with them. Hannah and Cliff quickly bonded. She loves "Clifford the Dog" and was amazed when she found out that Cliff's names is really "Clifford". So she proceeded to call him that for the rest of their time with us. She called Debbie, "Mrs. Clifford". It was so cute!
Thanks Stumbos for coming by and seeing us. Your friendship is a treasure in our lives. We love you!
A few days later, Chris and Rose and their kiddos came by on their way from Rhode Island to their new home in Florida. We hadn't seen them since we had moved. What a treat it was to spend some time together. I also just loved watching Rose being such a great mommy to her two adorable children.
Rose and Chris, thank you so much for coming to see us. You have a precious family and we are so blessed by you. We look forward to what God has in store for You. You both are doing a great job raising these two adorable children. We love you!

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