Monday, June 9, 2008

Falling Tree Day

Last Wednesday, severe thunderstorms rolled through the DC area. I was at school getting David and Jonathon. Ben was at home studying for finals. Rachel and Hannah were there as well. I got stuck at school due to a tornado warning. That is not a normal thing here. I called Ben and Rachel and just told them to go to the basement. Yes, Mary Ann, I now have a basement......of sorts. Anyway, the storm blew in and blew out all the power and toppled trees. The pic above is what used to be our next door neighbors shed.
We had a huge limb fall into our driveway.
Let the cleanup begin!!! We didn't have power for about 8 hours, so there wasn't anything else to do anyway.
The Mayhews dropped by to survey the damage and lend a hand! Thanks guys! We ate tunafish on crackers by candlelight that night, watched a movie on the laptop till the battery died, and all went to bed by 9:30.

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