Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Hannah!

Hannah turned 4 years old on last Wednesday. She had been eagerly looking forward to the day!! As soon as she woke up on Wednesday, she went straight to my closet where I had hidden a present that David and Jonathon got her. She wasted no time in looking for it and finding it! It did keep her occupied and happy since the real birthday fun wasn't going to happen till Todd and Ben got home from work.
Hannah got a huge Dora house complete with lots of furniture and stuff to go with it. She was quite a happy girlie!!
During the day, Rachel and Hannah made the birthday cake......lots of pink icing and sprinkles!
Hannah, we are so thankful for you!!! You are such a great blessing to all of us. You are such a busy little girl who keeps us on our toes. We just couldn't do without you!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Hannah!